Thursday, 24 July 2014

Monthly broadcast from Hollywood, Clark Gable

Hey, hey!


1 comment:

  1. "You are in a beauty contest every day of your life." Nope, no pressure there! ;) Poking fun at marketing copy infused fictional guilt aside, these ads and articles really are a treat and are just about as close as we can come to having a time machine to actually go back to the 30s and experience them first hand. I wonder, in this ever more digital era, in another 80 or so years, will anyone be scanning our 2014 magazines and blogging about them? It's possible, but I wouldn't bank on it and you know, that's a bit of a sad thought unto itself. Hopefully though, they'll still be preserving the paper copies of these vintage gems long after we're gone though - not doing so is far sadder thought still to me.

    Okay, happy note though...always end on a cheerful one. Thank your for your eloquent comment this morning sweet dear. You beautifully expressed something that I too notice more and more the older I get (we're more alike than different).

    Big hugs & happy Thursday wishes,
    ♥ Jessica
